The PREVENT portal provides an online depository of training and capacity building materials. This portal is a a collaborative work by projects coordinated by IMPEL and executed with various consortium partners.
Shipments of Waste Toolkit
The first version of the Shipments of Waste Toolkit has been developed in the framework of the DOTCOM Waste project, funded by the European Commission Directorate-General Migration and Home Affairs (HOME/2014/ISFP/AG/EFCE/7205). The DOTCOM Waste project ran from January 2016 to December 2017 and sought to increase the capabilities of law enforcement agencies, customs and port authorities, environmental agencies and prosecutors to fight cross-border waste crime more cost-effectively.
Version 0.1 of the toolkit covered the following modules and related materials: Introduction; Overview of the legislative landscape; Waste classification and problematic waste streams; Illegal shipments and their return; Intelligence-led investigations; Inspection and detection; Next generation compliance; Investigation; Enforcement and prosecution of illegal waste shipments; Sentencing; and Interagency collaboration & international networking.
Participant partners to DOTCOM Waste included: UNU-SCYCLE (project leader); CBRA, C&R, TECOMS, PENAF, BCRC-China, Basel Convention Coordinated Center for the African region, Prosecutor Office of Bari (associate partner).
The second version of the toolkit is developed in the framework of the WasteForce project, funded by the European Commission’s Internal Security Fund — Police (ISFP/2017/AG/ENV/821345) and the LIFE SWEAP Project, funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union (LIFE17 GIE/BE/000480). LIFE SWEAP provided for the modules: Safe opening of containers, Ship Recycling Regulation and the role of Customs.
The second version includes new modules, updated information, training materials and methodologies in relation to inspecting and enforcing shipments of waste.
Wildlife and Waste Crime Detection Toolkits
These two toolkits were developed as part of the IMPEL-led SPIDERWEB Project. This project was jointly financed by the European Union and the Federal Republic of Germany on the basis of a grant agreement with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GmbH) within the IPA/2017 Countering Serious Crime in the Western Balkans Project.
They aim to support inspection bodies and law enforcement agencies to inspect, detect and investigate possible cases of wildlife and waste crimes.